How to Recover Deleted Reel Drafts on Instagram

Reels on Instagram have changed the way we make and share short movies. Reels let users express themselves uniquely with fun effects and creative editing tools. On the other hand, it can be disappointing if you remove a reel draft that you had worked hard. No need to worry yet! This article will discuss some good ways to recover deleted reel drafts on Instagram. This guide will help you get back your lost content and keep inspiring your fans, whether you are an influencer, a content creator, or just someone who likes to share interesting videos.

How do you get deleted Instagram reel drafts back?

How to Recover Deleted Reel Drafts on Instagram

Deleting a reel draft by accident can feel like a big loss, but don’t worry! If you follow these easy steps, you can get back Instagram Reels drafts that you deleted:

Look in the recently deleted folder:

Since my last update, Instagram may have added or changed some things. Check if Instagram has a “Recently Deleted” folder where deleted drafts might be kept briefly. To get to this, go to your profile, tap the three lines in the upper right corner, and look for something that says “Recently Deleted.”

Recover from the Gallery on Your Phone:

The draft might still be on your phone if you saved it before you deleted it. It could be in the gallery or camera roll. Before you post, you can often save Instagram drafts as videos or photos on your computer.

Look at other devices:

If you use Instagram on multiple devices, see if the draft is still on a device you may not have deleted.

Contact Instagram’s Help:

You can try contacting Instagram help if none of the steps above work. Even though Instagram doesn’t promise that lost drafts can be recovered, they might be able to help. If you want to get in touch with Instagram help through the app, go to your profile, tap on the three horizontal lines, choose “Settings,” then “Help,” and finally “Report a Problem.”

How can I prevent deleting Reel drafts by accident in the future?

To keep from deleting reel drafts by accident in the future, here are some safety steps you can take:

Check twice before you delete:

Ensure you have chosen the right reel draft before accepting the deletion. Look over the content briefly and decide if you want to delete it.

Set drafts to save automatically:

You can turn on auto-save for reel drafts in your Instagram settings. If you turn this feature on, your drafts will be saved automatically as you work on them. This makes it less likely that you will delete them by mistake.

Save copies of your drafts.

As we already said, regularly backing up your reel drafts to a different location adds an extra layer of security. If you save your drafts on your computer or in the cloud, getting them back is easy if you accidentally delete them.

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What is the Duration of Reel Draft Storage?

Your Reels will be kept in the Drafts folder for 24 hours. They will be erased if you don’t open them in that time.

Where can I find a lost Instagram Draft Reel?

Under the Gallary area, you can find reel drafts. From the home page, swipe left and tap on the Reels button. Next, go to the gallery. Next to it, you’ll see a choice that says “Drafts.”

Can I return my reel drafts if I log out of my account?

No. If you delete Instagram or log out, your drafts will be gone forever and can’t be found again unless you post them before you log out.

Is it possible to get deleted reel drafts back?

Yes. The Instagram app’s Drafts folder in the Camera roll lets you to recover deleted reel drafts on Instagram.

Can I get to my reel drafts from a different phone??

No. Since reel drafts are saved on the device’s local storage, you can’t access them even if logged into the same Instagram account.


It can be annoying to delete Reel drafts on Instagram accidentally, but your content isn’t gone for good. You can improve your chances of successfully recovering your lost Reels drafts by using the “Recently Deleted” folder, contacting Instagram Support, looking into data recovery tools, and taking precautions.

Remember to act quickly because the longer you wait, the more likely the file will be deleted forever. Protect your creative work by saving copies of your ideas often and being careful when you delete them. Using these tips, you can overcome the loss and keep making your audience happy with interesting Reels content.